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How To Stay Fit While You Sit [E010]

chair yoga classStay fit while you sit. In our latest podcast episode Dr. Bryan and Dr. Jason Hamed share tips on staying fit at work, even while you are sitting. So many people in our society these days, spend countless house sitting in meetings, at desk, at cubicles for work. Discover ways to start reversing and stopping the negatives effects of sitting during your day to day routine!

Adapt, Shift & Move

Dr. Bryan: All right. Welcome. Here we are again at the Wellness Connection Show as usual it’s Dr Bryan Joseph with my company-host here Dr Jason Hamed.

Dr. Jason: Hello everyone.

Dr. Bryan: How are we doing today?

Dr. Jason: Good man. Real good. Had a nice day. Had a nice weekend. Had a little time away.

Dr. Bryan: Crazy we went from negative eight degrees to 65 degrees. Weather changes quick around here.

Dr. Jason: Right. You’ve got to be able to adapt. Adapt the shift and move man. Just like life. Right?

Our Topic Today: Sitting

Dr. Bryan: It is a lot like life. You’ve got to shift and move for sure. So, really excite actually today let’s have some fun. We’re going to talk about a topic that’s so relevant to so many people because of just the way our culture and our trends have gone. You know like so many people spend hours and hours and hours and hours in a sedentary sitting down position or laying down. And so we wanted to kind of break apart some myths and share some ideas on things that we’ve experience personally that might help you to be able to just take better care of your body, your physical body while you’re sitting. Right?

Dr. Jason: Right. That’s a reality these days. It’s like these corporate warriors, these corporate athletes that all day long are just they’re in cubicles. Like that’s where our world has gone to. Unfortunately no one told our gene structure. No one told our biological needs that, “Oh by the way we want to now sit in a cubicle all day for eight, 10, 12 plus hours. So inherently your body needs certain foundational things. You and I both know that. We talk to people about it. We teach it. We live it. We breath it. We’re passionate about it. And the reality of it is this, Bry is that motion is life. We talked about it before, it’s one of my favorite core sayings, that motion is life. And not only is motion life, it’s a necessity. It’s a principle.

Dr. Bryan: It’s an ingredient.

Dr. Jason: It’s an ingredient.

Dr. Bryan: Of life yeah.

Principles can break you, not the other way around

Dr. Jason: Right, right. But it’s a principle. I like to say that literally you can try to bend a principle, but you’re never going to break it. In fact the principle breaks you. And what I mean by that is, although yes, we now culturally have to be in front of a desk or in a chair for six, seven, eight hours, boardrooms, you name it, it still does not fulfill the need of the body’s desire or as you said, ingredient to move. We have to. And if we don’t we will break against that principle. And the breaking comes in the form of sickness, sedentariness, disease, etc.

Here’s my channel for the night

Dr. Bryan: So what you’re trying to tell me is the remote control was nowhere in the ingredient list for the proper way to live.

Dr. Jason: No. No.

Dr. Bryan: The principles of healthy living, here’s your remote control.

Dr. Jason: Hold on a second. I was just thinking, remember recently you and I went to that comic show and the guy was so … Dr Bryan and I took our lovely brides out for a date night and we went to see a comedian, and it just made me think of that joke that he said, “I know people out there have had this exact same thing, where you’re literally watching a TV show and the remote falls off the table and you’re too lazy to pick it up so you’re like, Well it looks like I’m watching this.”

Dr. Bryan: Here’s my channel for the night.

I’m not moving

Dr. Jason: I don’t know why that just totally came to my mind, but like, yeah, think about it, even in that situation, you’re like, “Nope, I’m not moving.” Right? Where’s that showing up in our lives right now? Like where do you think that’s showing up in our lives?

Dr. Bryan: Well Jay think about this, is you just kind of in your mind can walk through the average day of an individual and it’s mind blowing when you think about it because we fall victim to this too. But you literally get up, you sleep for six, seven, eight hours at night and you’re laying sedentary in your bed and then you get up and, we used to laugh, we used to call it the power hour, where you’d get up and you’d have an hour where you’re actually moving around, brushing your teeth, making breakfast for or getting your kids school lunches ready. But that’s your form of exercise for the day for most people, before you jump in your car and you sit on the way to work for a half hour.

A full day of sitting

Our jobs often demand a full day of sitting

Dr. Bryan: And then you get to your job and most people’s jobs have, because technology has advanced the way that it is, most people’s jobs have put them in a sedentary position:

  • Typically sitting behind a desk for so many hours before lunch? Three hours, four hours.
  • And then you jump in your car and you drive to lunch. You sit with your friends.
  • You get back in your car, drive back to your desk and you sit for another three, four hours for the afternoon shift and then you’re exhausted so you sit in your car, drive back home after a long full day and what do you do?
  • You just jump on the couch with the remote control and you sit there and watch TV and relax with your family. And then you’re ready for another day to start over. So it’s a full day of-

Dr. Jason: Sitting.

Dr. Bryan: Sitting, right?

Dr. Jason: Right. Right.

Dr. Bryan: Yeah. So that’s where that story of basically that remote control dropping has so much truth to what our culture looks like right now.

Switching perspective: What serves you?

Dr. Jason: Totally. It absolutely does. But like I said, within that we have to be real of where we are culturally to recognize, just because this is where we are culturally, is it really going to serve the best interest of the human being, of the person and their goals? And like you’ve said in the past, who here really wants to walk around feeling like crap? Nobody. So we realize we have to, again truth is enlightening, truth is freedom. Right?

Dr. Bryan: Right.

Dr. Jason: The truth will set you free as you always say.

Dr. Bryan: Right.

Sitting is often a job requirement

Dr. Jason: Like we have to be truthful, this is the requirements of my job. This is how I’m earning a living to support my family. Got it. I totally honor that. I respect it. At the same token there’s another truth. Your body needs to move. And if you don’t move, you’ll get sick. You will have a less life expectancy and you’ll be miserable if you don’t move. Period. End of story. Knife drop.

Dr. Bryan: So in a few minutes, and we’ll lead into this, but what we want to share is basically, what are some ways that we can help to combat this and stay fit while you sit inevitably if could call it that. Right? But before we do that, I want to just share a funny story. You’re going to love this. And this is just not me, but I would imagine this happens to so many people.

I remember back in the day, back in our 20s when we were playing sports and doing a couple hours of activity and you’re physically running around and moving around, before we had actually gone into this work world. The amount of movement that you have in your life and the amount of activity that you have is pretty significant. You don’t even realize it. So you can actually eat a horse and still not gain weight or not feel any damage to your joints or you don’t feel like you’re slowing down.

Sedentary bodybuilding?

Dr. Bryan: Do you remember when we started this practice together? And I was like, you and I both had always been relatively skinny people and on our feet and moving throughout most of our careers. And then I said to our patient, who was a trainer, I said, “Man I want to gain weight.” And he says, “Oh, yeah man, I’ll map out this beautiful structure for you to follow in regards to the food that you eat.” Which was again a ton of food that I hadn’t been used to eating.

Dr. Jason: It was still good food, just massive quantities.

Dr. Bryan: Yeah. Huge quantities. And then like the caveat, and the thing I wanted to share is then he said, “Hey here’s the kicker is, do not do cardio. Do not move.” Right, just don’t move. And I’m thinking, oh my God, I’ve spent my entire life in these situations of playing sports and actively moving and then serving patients while you’re on your feet. To all of a sudden, for 12 weeks, going in a state where you’re eating a ton of food and then not moving. And do you remember what happened?

Sitting = getting big

Dr. Jason: Yeah. You got big. Right?

Dr. Bryan: I didn’t just get big. I gained like 10 – 12 pounds, like overnight. And I had never been able to gain weight in my life. And then it made me realize like, oh my gosh. Imagine if this was my life style. If I actually sat now, if my job was at a computer, sitting in front of a computer at a desk most of the day and I just went through that metamorphosis where I just changed and gained weight. Now I’m going to be looking like, how do I change this and how do I lose weight? Because it wasn’t easy for me at that point. Right?

Dr. Jason: No. No. And you’re so right though because you remember, I believe so many people are in this place where maybe they weren’t always an athlete or maybe they weren’t always geared to exercise. Or maybe that wasn’t a high value system. Or maybe they have reference of it growing, like you and I did, playing sports and what not.

Dr. Bryan: Right.

The effects of entering the workforce

Dr. Jason: So I get it. I totally understand. The challenge again is the body still has requirements and so as you’re now aging and you went from some activity in high school and college. A higher metabolism, your body is full of all these great hormones. You go into the work force. You may not of had the best habits as you went into the workplace and now you’re sitting and now you’re still eating this same way you may have eaten in your twenty’s or your teens or even when you were a highly competitive athlete.

Dr. Jason: You know how many times have we seen it too, right? Where people were competitive in high school. Even competitive in college. Got out of college. Still were competitive. Maybe they found a love like endurance sports, or they’re doing hiking or high level activity still. They get married. Another level of their career shows up and then they have kids.

And then all of a sudden they start finding that the time unit that they had to be able to give to the exercise is diminishing, yet they’re stress levels are going up. Their bodies hormones are going down and yet they’re still feeding the same way they did back in the day as you alluded to. And inevitably they blink one day and literally like, holy moly, how did I gain 25 lbs? How is it my heart is about ready to fail? Why do I hurt all over?

Organizing differently

Dr. Jason: And you know I think you and I, very openly I’ve shared with people, like at one point I was very judgy. Like I would really be judgy about this, because I was like, “How come people don’t get it?” Because I’m just wired that way like, why don’t you get the truth? But I recognize now that everyone’s journey is different. Everyone’s.

And so I honor where someone’s at, but then I really hope that people can open up and see that hey listen there’re certain requirements that you need. And you’re not wrong, you’re bad, you’re not broken. You didn’t do anything wrong, but once you become aware, now you just got to start to organize your life differently. It doesn’t have to be awful and challenging and vegan and marathon running, but you’ve got to start doing what your body needs, which is eat for fuel and move for life.

No surprise here

Dr. Bryan: Well said. Well said. I think so many people, gosh what percentage of people do you believe fall into the category where they sit at their desk for their job?

Dr. Jason: Oh. Top of my head, I don’t have any stats to support this, I would ball park it at about 85%.

Dr. Bryan: Yeah. So think about that so if 85% of our culture is sitting around in a sedentary position for a good portion of the day, maybe eight hours, it is no surprise why people are gaining weight. Why we’re increasing joint pressures or inflammation and pains. Why we’re getting bloated. Why our digestive tract doesn’t work. Why we’re getting brain fog.

Dr. Jason: Fatigue.

Dr. Bryan: Yeah fatigue. Why our energy is sucked away from us. But I would think that a lot of people feel like, “Hey, I don’t have any way to combat this. This is just the career that I chose. This is the path that I’m on. And inevitably, if I’ve got to do this, like this is how the world woks, how can I possibly do what I need to do and not see my body or my health declined even thought while I’m in this position of sitting all day long?”

Fit While You Sit: Let’s start sharing some tips

Some tips for staying fit while you sit

Dr. Bryan: Well let me start off by sharing one of the things I personally have done in my office because I spend some time at the desk also is, just recently I realized that in my office there was a table, that you remember seeing, but I realized having that table didn’t allow me to have the space to get up out of my chair and stretch every so often the way that I wanted to. And instead of me stretching I found myself just laying on the table.

So what I recently did is, this is a recent change, and we can share some of these tips on how you can stay fit while you sit, is I start creating a reminder on my computer screen that says, every 30 minutes I have to at least stand up out of my desk, stretch for at least two minutes before I sit back down.

Dr. Jason: So every 30 minutes, you commit to two minutes?

Dr. Bryan: That’s exactly what my new protocol. Now every once, yeah, I’m human I get off track just like probably the rest of the world, but yes. That’s my goal. And what’s that’s allowing me to do is just break the patterns because the more I sit … Well think of this, as people sit throughout the course of decades of their career, what we see in terms of their posture is they start to look a lot like the chair.

The Jello slouch effect

Dr. Bryan: Where they’re all like slunched over. Their hips are tight. Their shoulders are tight. Their heads falling forward. They look like they’ve aged significantly.

Dr. Jason: Yeah bro. It’s simple. Like listen, everyone, y’all get this. Who ever is listening to this right now, I promise you, you understand this right? Think of jello, right? jello. You know how to make jello right?

Dr. Bryan: Yeah.

Dr. Jason: You put the ingredients in the thing, you heat it all up and you put it into the mold and then you cool it. And what happens the jello turns into the shape of the mold you put it in. Guess what folks? Your tissue is carbon, it’s water, it’s sugar, it’s gel, it’s fat. It’s jello. And so what you’re literally doing is what Dr Bryan is saying, is you’re literally molding your body into that shape over decades. Maybe not a few minutes like jello, but decades. You’re literally molding it. You’re 100% right.

Don’t look like your chair

Dr. Bryan: And I would imagine if you go back to like high school or college when all of us had these great visions of what you want your life to look like and what you want your posture to look like. What you want your body to look like. Nobody actually wants to look like a chair. Right?

Dr. Jason: A BarcaLounger. Yo dude, I want to be a Lazy Boy when I grow up.

Dr. Bryan: Yeah. Exactly. I want to be an OfficeMax executive desk chair.

Dr. Jason: Can I be a mall chair?

Breaking the patterns

Dr. Bryan: So hey, let’s go into some practical tips. What are some things that people can do to break the patterns? If I know I’ve got to sit for six, seven hours, what are some things that come to your mind in regards to that people can start to implement in their daily routines to incorporate more movement and to stay fit while they sit.

Dr. Bryan: Now when I stay fit while you sit, just to define this real quick. I’m not meaning like how do you keep a six pack abs and keep giant pecks and biceps that are going to make you stick out on the beach. I’m saying stay fit in the context of not letting your body just break down and feel like you’re aging faster than you should be aging, so that you can get up and leave your job in the evenings and if your kids ask you to go out into the backyard and play basketball and shoot hoops with them, you don’t feel like you’re unable to do that.

Dr. Jason: Yeah. Fitness itself, right, being able to take your body and literally put stress into the body and be able to make sure your body can accommodate to that stress. Yeah, be able to handle the stress of the work day and yet still be able to perform outside of the workday.

The 60:1 ratio

Dr. Jason: I love, so for me, I get pretty didactic with this. You know pretty deep, and so if I get to deep, pull me out so I don’t lose our listeners here. But for me I like your approach a great deal. I’m about simplicity even though a lot of things I’ll talk about I get really verbose and I get really complicated on, at the end of the day I know that most people need to digest simplicity.

So for me I like to tell, listen if you’re at your desk for 60 minutes, you need 60 seconds of continual exercise. If you’re at your desk for 30 minutes, then you need 30 seconds of continual movement or exercise. And what I define as exercise again, I’m not saying you need to go and do wind sprints up and down the hallway, although that’s not a bad idea actually, I just gave myself an idea.

Dr. Bryan: I would imagine the people working at Amazon or Google, that’s what they’re doing now.

Dr. Jason: Right, right. Like skateboarding.

Dr. Bryan: Not only do they have ping pong table, but they’re doing wind sprints in the back.

Burpee Challenges

Dr. Jason: Yeah. They’ve got Burpee Challenges. But what you end up doing literally is just move your body continuously for 60 seconds. Okay, so that could be something as literally as stepping away from your chair and just standing up and sitting down for 60 seconds. It’s an air squat right? If you have the ability or you don’t really care what people think, yeah get on the ground and knock out some pushups. You can do lunges. You can take a step forward and have the opposite knee drop to the ground and just alternate legs for 60 seconds.

The reason this is important Bry is you want full body activation to stimulation neurologic activation. Because when we’re sitting at a table and we’re just looking at a computer screen. Yes, our brain is working, but we’re not stimulating our brain and our different parts of our brain to activate muscles or joints. So anything you don’t use, you what?

Dr. Bryan: Lose.

Dr. Jason: Right. So when you don’t stimulate the brain to activate those neurons and then stimulate the muscles then ultimately you’re going to lose that pathway, which long story short, means the guy’s turning into the jello mold of his chair over time. And he’s wondering why he goes home after a long day of sitting and he can’t play ball with his kid. So real quick in recap, 60 seconds of movement for every 60 minutes of sedentariness, full body movement. Even if you want to get up and do a quick lap around your cubicle, up and down and to the water fountain and back. But it’s got to be crisp and it’s got to be moving. Your goal is to get your heart rate up slightly and move your body.

Skipping to the bathroom

Dr. Bryan: I’m just picturing people like going from their desk and like skipping their way to the bathroom. Like, all right got to take a break. I’ve got to get my heart rate up. I’m going to skip to the bathroom here today. I’m going to run to the water cooler.

Dr. Jason: I hope that we start trending on Twitter that like, #burpeechallengewellnessconnection.

Dr. Bryan: 60 seconds of fit. Here’s one of the things that happens so frequently. So frequently is, all the muscle bellies and all the tendons and the ligaments that we have harden over time. Kind of like that jello analogy that you shared. And the more we sit in these positions at our desk, the more our body starts to harden and shorten into these tight restricted feelings that we have.

And I think if we’re just using mile high concepts like what you shared a second ago would be it’s extremely important to take every one of your joints through its fullest range of motion whenever possible. And what does that mean? For some people that may mean like, complete back bends and doing yoga and taking these stretches in the most extreme way. For other people that may mean just standing up and actually stretching their arms all the way up in the sky or even pulling their fingers back a little bit, so they’re actually widening and creating space in all the different joints.

30 minute stretch

Dr. Bryan: And so when I take my mini breaks, you know when a half hour comes up, and I’m going to stretch, it’s often I’m not in here doing Burpees, it’s not a Burpee Challenge in my room right now, maybe I’ll evolve to that, but what I am doing is typically trying to say, okay which joints have not gone through any bit of their range or motion in the last hour or two hours and how can I stretch those and move those and move those a little bit.

And I may actually just, like you said, do some air squats. I may actually put my arms as high as I possibly can as I’m standing and then lean over to the right or lean over to the left. I may actually just put my hands on the desk in front of me and bring my fingers back towards me and lean down on my heals or my palms so that it stretches out my fore arms or my wrists.

Dr. Jason: Got it. Yeah. So you’re stretching out that hand. So your palm is touching the bottom of the desk and you’re getting that stretch.

Dr. Bryan: Correct.

Dr. Jason: Got it. Yeah.

Dr. Bryan: Correct. Yeah. But those are some examples of things I think are very valuable to people to just make sure you’re taking your joints through as fullest a range of motions as you can. Even if it’s just a simple shoulder shrug.

The $1 dollar butt clench

Dr. Jason: You know what? You just jogged my memory of something. So there’s one other drill that I’ll teach our patients here. Again it’s super easy, super quick. And this is often times, I’ll tell our patients who are either in an executive positions and they’re going from boardroom to boardroom and their day is backed up. Or in a service based industry where they don’t have a lot of time just to stop, slow down do a minute or two of stretches. There’s literally a stretch that I created. I created a stretch and a muscle engagement technique. I haven’t named it. Maybe we can come up with a name right now. But here’s the thing it’s kind of silly-

Dr. Bryan: Burpee Challenge part two.

Dr. Jason: Well you see why. There’ll be a funny name I’m sure. So what you’ll do is you’ll stand up and then you stand up and all you’ll do is your thumbs pointing in front of you. So I’ve got my hands now closed my thumbs are up. I’m standing up and all I’m going to do is I’m going to rotate my thumbs as far back as I can. So if I’m doing this my thumbs are rotating to the back of the room. I should feel a stretch into my chest and what not. But here’s the key, that’s the stretch component that you just said. Then what I do is I actually will engage my shoulder, like I’ll try to pull my shoulder blades together.

Dr. Bryan: So contract them.

Don’t let the dollar drop

Dr. Jason: Contract them right. But here’s the funny part. I then squeeze my butt cheeks. I squeeze my butt cheeks, I’m pretending I’m putting a dollar bill between my butt cheeks. I don’t want to let the dollar bill fall.

Dr. Bryan: Too much information. Too-

Dr. Jason: Wait. Wait. Let me tell you why it’s important though. Because when we sit for those long periods of time we literally will over activate our peck muscles, that’s why people are hunching forward. And we under activate our butt muscles and that’s why people have lower back injuries, disc injuries, nerve problems, sciatica. So when we stand up and we stretch the front and we can engage those butt muscle and engage those shoulders, all we have to do is hold that for 10 seconds.

So if you’re in between, if you’re on the go, if you’re an executive or someone in the service industry and you’re moving and moving and moving, or you’re sitting for long periods of time in board meetings, as you go up, it just takes 10 to 15 seconds. No one even knows you’re doing this stretch, unless you tell them you’re doing the dollar bill butt stretch, or butt-

Dr. Bryan: Looks like you got some healthy butt clinches going there.

Dr. Jason: Yeah. Right. Right. Got a couple of bucks I can borrow?

Primitive movements make sense

Dr. Bryan: Oh well you know what, if it didn’t look funny. You and I have had so many discussions about primitive movements that make so much sense for people and what we mean by that is like back in the day, if we were in an office setting how good it would be for people to actually be crawling-

Dr. Jason: Or barefoot.

Dr. Bryan: Or walk barefoot. Or what’s that the ape crawl?

Dr. Jason: Right. Yeah.

Dr. Bryan: Or the bear crawl. Or the crab crawl. There’re all sorts of different ways that you can move your body in a primitive way that are so polar opposite than how you’re spending your time sitting at a desk.

The principle of variable stimulation

Dr. Jason: Yeah. I think to that point, one of the things that I am starting to see and I believe right now the next trend that we’re going to see in corporate wellness and corporate health as far as a movement stand point, is what I would call variable stimulation. Meaning we went from a place of bad desks, bad chairs. We’ve evolved to a place where we’ve started to put our screens up higher. We understood that’s important. We then started to evolve to better chairs. And now we’re evolving to a place that we’re actually standing.

Dr. Jason: However, I believe the next level of the game that we’re going to see from a health stand point, from a rehab stand point, neurologically as well, is we’ve got to continue throughout the course of a day to create variable stimulation. What I mean by that is you may be standing for a period of time and then instead of just going right back to a sitting position you’re on a ball, or you’re going to have your feet off and now they have mats where they’re literally like stones, like little pebbles, that will activate different musculature in the feet which in turn activate your brain to stimulate more muscles in your back, your lower back and your shoulders.

Evolution of the Workplace

Dr. Jason: You’re going to see, mark my word, a continuing evolution of the work place environment. We got treadmill desks now. Things that are-

Dr. Bryan: There’s even biking desks. Yeah.

Dr. Jason: You’re going to see that more and more. I guarantee you’re going to see lateral movement come into play. You’ll see some desks maybe seat that you can do the ski motions.

Dr. Bryan: So I was at a conference years ago where they were talking about basically a version of a surf board that people were actually standing on behind their work station.

Dr. Jason: That’s it right there. Because there’s variable stimulation. Your body has to coordinate going from side to side, front to back, you know like different diagonals. That’s going to be the next trend that I believe we’ll see. How it’s going to show up. How it’s going to integrate, I’m not exactly clear, but just knowing the pattern we’re going in and even standing desks are great, yet it’s not like you said, it’s not exactly taping into the primitive movement that our body genetically needs.

Staying hydrated

Dr. Bryan: So a couple of things that come to my mind from that is, it’s not just the movement aspect that’s going to keep fit while they’re sitting, but inevitably I think we take for granted the need to stay hydrated. Like if you’re sitting at your work station, so many people either have a cup of coffee or a soda or even nothing. And that’s what they’re sipping on throughout the course of the day if they’re sipping. But so often the discs in our back or between each vertebrae they’re made up predominately of water. If we’re sitting we’re allowing them to get dehydrated. So it’s important just to keep a liter of water or a bottle of water and be sipping on that throughout the course of the day as well.

Stimulate your vision

Dr. Bryan: And then one more thing, maybe you can talk on this too, is the eye, the visual input of staring at a computer screen or the blue screens all day long, as opposed to the need of actually needing to, instead of looking a foot in front of us all the time, we need to actually change our eye movements to actually look in further distances as opposed to staring at the screen all day long. What are some ways that you may be aware of on that topic of how you can change vision stimulation?

Dr. Jason: Yeah. That’s a really, really great point. And it’s a really deep point actually. First and foremost I think one of the easiest things you can do is, if you have access to a window, is look out the window and literally just start looking at depth. Change the field of vision. Because again neurologically it’s going to change some of the motor neurons in your brain.

The eye tracking drill

Dr. Jason: And a great thing you can do to create some stimulation from an eye exercise standpoint is follow an object until another object passes it and then follow that object. Meaning this, if you have an opportunity to look out a window and see traffic, focus on the one car and then as that car passes, then another car is going to pass it from the other side going the other direction. Immediately pick up that car and allow your eye to follow that until another car picks it up. So basically what you’re doing-

Dr. Bryan: Like tracking.

Dr. Jason: Yeah. Exactly right. You’re doing this tracking drill. You can do it with birds. You can do it with anything that’s moving and you literally can start to focus on an object and then immediately focus on another object. Again the whole goal is variable stimulation. You’re stimulating your brain beyond just looking at the screen and inevitably what it’s doing, it’s activating new brain centers that will in turn activate new muscle fibers the moment you do start to move.

Countering tech trends

Dr. Bryan: I think that’s extremely valuable because not only are people spending eight to 10 hours sitting in a sedentary position, I mean majority of people that you see have their phone under their nose. I mean like all day long and they’re staring at their little device in their hand or the computer screen that’s a foot away from them. So the fact that, that’s the direction that our world has gone and it’s not one of the principles that we initially talked about, that having technology was not really the foundation of how we stay well. But technology is so incorporated into our world that we’ve got to find ways to honor the way that the body is supposed to operate even though technology is a strong influence in our life right now.

Dr. Jason: It’s not going anywhere.

Share the gift of knowledge

Dr. Bryan: So with that said. Just want to tell you, if you have enjoyed the listening to these opening episodes that we’ve had in these first few episodes that we’ve shared. I’m going to ask that you share these messages with your friends or anyone else that you know that might benefit from them. And the reason being, not so much that-

Dr. Jason: Well it’s not so much that it’s just for us, it’s for them. It’s like listen we have a gift, right? The gift of knowledge. Not we per se, but we as human beings. When we share that with you, when we share that with anyone. Once we have that, I believe it’s our responsibility to share it with others because right now you know this as well as I do, someone, somewhere that you know may be struggling, may be hurting, may be literally drowning in frustration, not seeing any hope. And some way, some shape, some form a word, a bit of knowledge that may have blessed you, could bless them. So share this with them. Our hope is really to inspire people, motivate people, educate people, provide hope and give them a chance to change.

Dr. Bryan: That’s exactly right, so many people have already said to us basically, “Thank you for sharing the messages that you’ve shared. We don’t always get to access your brain or information or the things that you guys are studying or the people that you’re exposed to and the fact that you’re willing to share it is really beneficial to a lot of people.” The only way those other people will benefit is if they get it in their hands or in their ears or in their audios or however they get it.

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