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How To Get Carpal Tunnel Relief From Functional Medicine

office worker wrist painChiropractic techniques that work so well with the spine can be applied to other joints of the body. Virtually every joint is susceptible to fixations and malfunctions that impair function and range of motion. Trauma, micro-traumas, vibrations and repetitive movements are often culprits. The good news is that chiropractic care can often provide carpal tunnel relief for those suffering from wrist and joint pain.

The Carpal Tunnel

The carpal tunnel is a band of ligaments and small bones in your wrist. Painful symptoms can result when nerves are compressed by a collapse of this nerve “tunnel.”

How The Spine Can Cause Carpal Tunnel Issues

Many are surprised to learn that the cause of their wrist problem may be due to functional changes in one or more joints of the neck, shoulder, elbow or wrist. Nerve Interferences in the upper spine may compromise the workings of any structure between it and the tip of your littlest finger. This is often called the double crush syndrome.

Other Extremities

Shoulders, hip problems, knees, ankles and even jaw problems have been shown to respond to chiropractic care. Find out before resorting to more drastic treatments such as surgery!

Chiropractic First

It just makes sense to take the more conservative approach first: chiropractic first, drugs second and surgery last! Schedule a no-obligation consultation and find out what safe and natural chiropractic may do for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can chiropractic repair bone spurs?

Bone spurs and other arthritic change to joints throughout the body is a typical response to a long-standing malfunction. While no research exists, restoring proper joint function is hoped to at least slow this degenerative process.

Does cracking your knuckles cause damage?

Limited studies suggest that knuckle cracking does not damage the metacarpal joints of the hand. While there may be the danger of overextending already loose knuckle joints, adding motion to these or other joints of the body is best left to an experienced chiropractor.

Is it okay to wear a wrist brace?

A brace is often prescribed to help protect the wrist and reduce mobility. While it may alleviate certain symptoms, it virtually ignores the malfunctioning joints causing the problem. The chiropractic approach is to help restore proper motion to affected joints and strengthen supporting muscles and soft tissues. While this may require some ongoing supportive care, many patients can resume their activities without bracing.

The Carpal Tunnel Home Test

The Carpal Tunnel pain that many people experience in their hand and wrist can actually be a combination of nerve problems in the wrist, elbow and spinal nerves in the lower neck and shoulder. At home, you can complete these 2 simple tests:

Test 1 – Phalen’s Maneuver

The most helpful test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is Phalen’s Maneuver.
Firmly hold the backs of your hands together with your fingers pointing down while keeping your arms parallel to the floor.
If within a minute, you experience numbness, tingling, pain or a combination, you likely have nerve involvement.

Test 2 – Tinel’s sign

Another test is Tinel’s sign.

Use your finger to repeatedly tap the volar carpal ligament, the ligament just under the skin in the center of your wrist.

If the tapping elicits numbness, tingling or pain, then you may well have carpal tunnel syndrome.

Start your Journey to Hope!

Often, chiropractic care can be very helpful in resolving this type of problem. Call or contact our practice today!